
By Denise Etienne Shackleford October 4, 2024
Giving Hearts was established as a non-profit in 2014 and became 501 3 C in 2021. Mission The mission of Giving Hearts is to provide supplemental food resources to underserved populations in Carroll County and surrounding areas. This will be accomplished by providing Community Multiple Programs including:  Client Choice Pantry Open Weekly  Monthly Supplemental Senior Program  Biweekly Mobile Pantry  Childrens Weekend Backpack Program Vision Our Vision is to be an outlet for those in Food Deserts who do not have transportation or viable Food Choices or easy access to Healthy and Affordable Food Choices. We do this by providing a Senior Supplemental program, providing 4 Mobile Pantries monthly, as well as providing a stand-alone client choice Pantry Community Need* What community need does this project address? What data exists to support this need? Food Insecurity One out of 10 residents in Carroll County, about 12,000 people, are “food insecure,” meaning they do not have reliable access to affordable and nutritious food. Many low-income communities and rural neighborhoods across the country live in food deserts where there is little or no access to healthy foods. Rural residents without vehicles and access to convenient transportation are forced to rely on these foods, which can contribute to poor diets and higher levels of obesity and other diet-related illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. The problem affects people from all walks of life; those who live in the cities and those who live away from town. The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines a “food desert” as a geographic area where food options are restricted. Statewide, it is estimated that more than 1.3 million Georgians live in such an area. “In urban areas, a food desert is an area where at least 500 people, or 33%, of the population, must live more than a mile from the nearest large grocery store. Whereas in rural areas, at least 500 people, or 33%, of the people must live more than 10 miles from the nearest large grocery store.” (Times Georgian, January 2, 2021) People Being Served We have gone from providing an average of 3,000-5,000 lbs. of food monthly to approximately 19,000 lbs. of food. As our program increases, we anticipate the demand for food to increase. Funding is needed to ensure we can increase our food supply as well as provide equipment (freezers/shelving) to house the food. We are also an agency that serves all of Carroll County, GA. In efforts to expand our Food program, we have begun working with the city of Whitesburg as our next focus area. Whitesburg has a population of approximately 625 individuals (2021) with a ratio of 60% Caucasian and 40% ethnic populations. GIVING HEARTS CLIENT CHOICE PANTRY OVERVIEW Please defer to the figures below. Figures will show the growth of the Client Choice Pantry since our opening on February 21, 2023. These figures are for the Client Choice Pantry ONLY and do not reflect the numbers for our Senior supplemental Program, Our Bi-Monthly Mobile Pantry, or our new Pack a Sack Children Program. NUMBER OF PEOPLE SERVED: 919 TOTAL LBS. OF FOOD 33,925.23 (Feb 21st- Feb 29th) 2023  Feb 21 st 64 people and issued 1 ,509.6 lbs. of food.  March 112 people and issued 2,189.91 lbs. of food.  April 170 people and issued 1732.1 lbs. of food.  May 262 people and issued 2123.04 lbs. of food.  June 317 people and issued 1284.3 lbs. of food.  July 375 people and issued 3400.2 lbs. of food.  August 428 people and issued 1940.88 lbs. of food.  September 567 people and issued 4,774.6 lbs. of food.  October 692 people and issued 3769.8 lbs. of food.  November 757 people and issued 4,344.7 lbs. of food.  December 835 people and issued 2,452.03 lbs. of food. 2024 January 2024 919 people and issued 4,404.07 lbs (about 1997.65 kg). of food. ________________________________________________ FOOD SOURCES We receive food from multiple sources. This report is strictly providing figures capturing the poundage of food received from the Atlanta Food Bank for Pantry distribution only. MIDWEST FOOD BANK : 23,137.74 LBS. PILGRIMS PRIDE : 19,697.56 Lbs. BREAD DELIVERY : 6,240 Lbs. eHarvest ACFB (Atlanta Community Food Bank) : 188,651.1 Total pounds from accountable sources : Disbursed 237,046 lbs. of food in 11 months. Unfortunately, we have had to do a lot of retail shopping in between getting food from our sources. There was a period when the ATLANTA FOOD Bank did not have food at all, and we had not yet finalized our contract with Midwest. The estimated additional amount of product would be in the range of 55,000 lbs.(about 24947.56 kg). to 75,000 lbs.(about 34019.4 kg). We have several programs in addition to our Client Choice Pantry which includes: Our Senior Supplemental Program, our recently added Childrens backpack program, and our Mobile Pantries. Our backpack program will provide nonperishable meals for children to have over the weekends or during breaks. We have partnered with Catalyst Church whose volunteers will ensure the sacks will be delivered. For us to be able to maintain our current clientele as well as anticipation of an increased number of clientele Funding is needed. Funding is required to help increase the resources. We can get our resources at an extremely discounted rate or in some cases for free; and although our costs are not as high as the regular consumer, we still have increased costs. In addition to that, our audience is increasing requiring a need for us to increase our budget to accommodate. Detailed outlined items are provided on the Income/expense report attachment. This funding request aims to increase access to local healthy foods, particularly for vulnerable populations; increase awareness about food security and increase food knowledge and skills; and resources Sincerely, Denise Etienne Shackelford, CEO OUR NEW LOCATION Giving Hearts Client Choice Pantry 358 Columbia Drive (Old Drop and Shop Location) Carrollton, GA 30117 770 744-3889 (Appointment Line) " Addressing Community Hunger One Step At A Time"
November 7, 2023
The concept of Giving Hearts Client Choice Options has exploded. We started in an 800 square foot area on February 21, 2023. We knew we would have to eventually move- but we had no idea that less than six months later we would move into an 1800 square foot facility. Just recently we secured an additional 350 square feet for a whopping 2.250 square feet. Our client numbers have increased from an average of 6-8 per day to 14-16 per day. Our Budget for securing food has almost tripled. Our growth ratio is incredible. With food, we also have operational costs. We have applied for and have received grants- but grants can not support operational costs. We need donor support to remain successful in our efforts to support hunger here in Carroll County. This is our first year as recipients of Giving Tuesday, but we need you and your support to meet our $7,500 goal and to be successful. Let’s create a wave of generosity by sharing how you will support nonprofits, individuals, and organizations this November. Join me and millions around the world in giving back, spreading kindness, and showing how together we can be a force for good on #GivingTuesday! CLICK HERE TO DONATE Denise Etienne Shackelford-CEO
August 6, 2023
Please read the attached letter for some important information from our CEO. Our success and growth is wonderful!
July 25, 2023
This series provides great recipes! There are videos for each recipe. Go here to access these GREAT recipes:
June 28, 2023
Last week was yet another whirlwind week for Giving Hearts Client Choice Pantry. We've had a lot of unique challenges but have met them head on with a spirit of tenacity. Our number one goal was to get us up and functioning within 60 days. Ya'll don't know the hard it takes to make this operation run. We have been operational for 120 days and although there is plenty of room for improvement we are somewhat pleased with our results. Our main challenges are limitations in storage as we are restocking our shelves faster than we can bring incl product. We are also have limited occupancy based on the overall space of the pantry. We don't have a "waiting area" and so sometimes folks don't understand the necessity of the 15 min appointment increments. Knowing this helps as we move to our next phase of development. We are so humbled and blessed to be allowed an opportunity to function through God Is Good Prophetic International Ministries. Pastor Lynn McKey has been a Godsend for which we are forever grateful. She has allowed us the foundation to plant seeds and watch them grow into a positive opportunity for the community. We are happy to be able to serve. Thanking GOD for an awesome group of volunteers and allowing me the opportunity to create a diverse Board. Next is strategic planning and implementing for the next phase. Stay tuned as we get ready to improve and serve. Denise Etienne Shackelford CEO
June 5, 2023
Giving Hearts has given out 186,156 lbs. of food Our Costs for that Food has been $3412.97 Total Clients Served- 5179 (includes Mobile Pantry figures) This is INCREDIBLE considering how small we are and being new to the community FUNDING Shoe Fundraiser Our Shoe Fundraiser is coming to an end on June 23. The Goal was to get at least 100 bags (2500 shoes) to receive $1,000. I have been bagging shoes this weekend and so I am not sure how close to our goal we are. I will know by Wednesday, but I am pretty sure I am going to need some more. Bank We have $2375.37 in the account. See Attached The Challenge is finding reasonable pricing for meat and dairy sources. I have really had to reach into the money for April and May. I really DO NOT want to spend that much money for any food sourc Grants I have done pretty well in securing small grants. The latest is $1,000 from the Carrollton Rotary Club. These are great,but they are small, and we go through them quickly when purchasing food.
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